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5 Different People You Need in a High Stakes Divorce

Board Certified Boca Raton Divorce Attorney

Going through a high stakes divorce can be one of the rockiest periods of your life. There are so many different aspects of life pre and post-divorce to think about, and this can require help. There are several professionals that can be on your side during your divorce besides your divorce attorney. Each of them offers a specific skill that’ll help move your complex divorce forward.

Why Are High Stakes Divorce So Volatile?

The very nature of a high stakes divorce leads to volatility. Often, there are complications that make this type of divorce that much more difficult to face. Usually, this has to do with assets and children. There are many different working parts that need to be figured out at the same time to balance what was happening before the divorce and after the marriage is over. These working parts can cause conflict, especially when the parties aren’t in complete agreement about the divorce.

What Are the 5 Professionals You Should Have on Your Team during Your Divorce?

It may sound like overkill to have five different professionals on your team during your high stakes divorce, but each of these team members offers a specific skill that can help you through this circumstance. They each work to reduce the amount of friction that can happen in a high stakes divorce.

The first is probably the only profession you’ve thought of hiring when you realized a divorce was in your future: a lawyer. Your lawyer is the base of your team. They are a great starting place and may be able to help you to find the other four professionals to assist you. A parenting coordinator, financial neutral, mediator, and divorce coach round out your team.

Divorce Lawyer

A divorce lawyer is your first defense in ending your marriage and can be beneficial to advise you on these matters even if you go through mediation.

Parenting Coordinator

Think of a parenting coordinator as an impartial party that helps to be the decision maker when it comes to any children from the marriage. They can help you to determine who does what with the kids while going through a high stakes divorce. Their rates are less expensive than having your lawyers handling this task. Plus, it can help to make the divorce a less stressful for the children going through it with you both.

Financial Neutral

A financial neutral works for both sides of the divorce. They handle the financial matters at the heart of a high stakes divorce. This professional comes in and evaluates all of the financials, such as current income, assets, the expenses that exist. As they are a neutral party, they aren’t on anyone’s side. Using this professional can help both parties get an equitable share. For instance, when determining alimony or child support, the figures obtained here can give a more accurate value of what’s appropriate or not.

Mediation Lawyer

A mediator is another unbiased professional that’s not taking sides in your high stakes divorce. They can be beneficial in helping you to resolve many of the issues that often crop up in a complicated divorce scenario. Not resolving these issues through mediation often means that a judge will resolve them for you. A mediator is better able to guide you both to agree on the different decisions being made. At least by sitting with a mediator, you’ll have some say in what is agreed upon.

Divorce Coach

divorce coach is one professional that you may not be very familiar with compared to the other professionals on your team. Your divorce coach may help just you or both you and your spouse through your high stakes divorce. While a divorce coach isn’t a therapist per say, they are able to help you through this tough time. They will help you analyze your feelings, determine what you want out of the divorce, and get ready for the different proceedings that you’ll be going through during the process. They are there to help keep you calm and collected through this process. While some people are able to tackle a high stakes divorce relatively easy, others panic and have a hard time going through it. A divorce coach helps them to keep it together to get to the other side of the divorce.

Are you contemplating getting divorced? Are you in the middle of a high stakes divorce, and feel you need additional help? Contact Lewert Law today to discuss your circumstances. Your high stakes divorce may seem like an endless scenario, but you’ll be glad to see it’s behind. Utilizing these different professionals can make the transition from married life to being single again easier for you.