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7 Tips for Holidays and Time Sharing

Board Certified Boca Raton Child Support Lawyer

The holidays should be fun and enjoyable for everyone in your family. Children are off from school, families and friends are gathering for meals, and it’s time for everyone to spend together. However, it’s also a difficult time to deal with split custody and co-parenting. If you find yourself in this situation, it’s a good idea to work with an attorney to develop a time-sharing plan that works for everyone. While this is true, you can also use the tips and advice found here to minimize the stress of custody during the holidays.

1. What’s the Plan?

This is a basic tip, but one that can save everyone from arguing. Have a brief conversation with your co-parent about your plans for the holidays (even if it is done through your attorney). This conversation needs to be about your goals for the holidays – what you want, where you can compromise, etc.

It’s a good idea to create a plan as early as possible for holiday time-sharing. This ensures everyone knows what to expect.

2. Consider the Events Most Important for Each Co-Parent

Take time to identify the events that are most important for you. By finding out what’s most important, you can also determine where you are flexible. If both parents want the same time (such as Christmas morning) find a compromise ahead of time.

3. Plan Events That Include Everyone

If it is possible consider co-hosting the most important moments during the holidays to ensure that everyone is included. While this may not be ideal, consider if it would be a good experience for your child.

4. Be Clear about Logistics and Timing

In addition to knowing when the child is going to be with each parent, it’s also important to know pick up and drop off times and locations. Making sure that the meetup points and other logistics are clear will help everyone relax and avoid stress during the holidays. If there is a change or if you are running late, be sure to let your co-parent know.

5. Talk Through the Gifts

For most families, gifts are a part of holiday celebrations. It’s a good idea for co-parents to discuss what their child wants with each other before going shopping.

6. Handling Bad Weather

Bad weather can impact time sharing during the holidays. Just make sure everyone is aware of what is going on. Also, create a plan ahead of time if a bad weather situation occurs.

7. Patience is a Must

Planning is an essential step. But you must also have patience while executing the plan to ensure that everyone enjoys the holiday season – especially your child.

Call an Attorney for Help

If you and your co-parent are unable to discuss or make a plan that works for you both, then using the services of an attorney may be helpful. They can help you iron out the details and ensure that everyone gets a fair amount of time over the holidays. For more information, contact the legal team at Lewert Law, LLC by calling (561) 544-6867.