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3 Ways Artificial Intelligence Can Help Divorce

Artificial Intelligence, also known as AI, has a major impact on life in general. There are many industries that can benefit from the advances in AI. Family law is one of those industries. With AI technology, family law could change for the better. Find out how AI helps divorces and other family law issues.

What is AI?

When most people think of AI, they imagine a futuristic world. However, AI is alive and present today. By definition, AI is any task done by a machine or a program that requires human intelligence.

People use programs and machines to perform a long list of tasks that require human intelligence. In fact, artificial intelligence has been prevalent for years. Today, you might recognize the technology in Siri or Alexa. Other applications include identifying spam emails, detecting fraud on your credit card, and recognizing faces in photos.

How AI Helps Divorces and Family Law

In addition to making your life at home better, AI helps divorces as well. It has several applications in family law, all of which can make your life easier. Law firms can and do use AI for accounting and data processing. When they have thousands of documents to examine, AI saves them from doing it by hand.

Artificial Intelligence doesn’t only make the process of examining documents quicker. In addition to going through documents quicker, AI can use predictive coding to analyze the data. It’s much more accurate than human guesswork. After analyzing large amounts of data, AI can predict outcomes and gives Family Law Attorneys more insight.

A History of Success in Law

If you’re looking for a specific example of AI in law, then you don’t need to look far. In the UK, a law firm used predictive coding in a prejudice action case. The coding was tested in trial, and a court deemed that the process was accurate. If predictive coding can stand up in court, then the applications of AI in family law are almost limitless.

At first, AI was used to assist in research efforts. IBM Ross was a research tool that helped law firms with legal research. The technology used natural language processing as well as machine learning to effectively research.

In a more recent application, Duthie & Co is a law firm that uses AI in a different way. The firm uses a robot lawyer known as LISA. When the firm needs a non-disclosure agreement, LISA takes care of it. In an interview, the firm stated that they believe this technology could be used in family law. In the future, they think that a similar robot can draft prenuptial agreements.

How Can AI Change Family Law?

Family law could change for the better with artificial intelligence. Here are a few ways that AI helps divorces and family law:

  1. Reduce the Cost of Divorces

In some divorces, there are mountains of paperwork. Asset division is a time-consuming process. This means that lawyers need to waste hours and hours digging through the mountain of paperwork. Considering that good lawyers don’t come cheap, the cost adds up.

If family law uses AI, then the lawyers don’t need to waste their time on sifting through papers. Instead, technology can do the process quicker. Predictive coding means that a program can look at a set of data and come up with a general review of the whole data set. In family law, this technology can save clients thousands of dollars.

  1. Reduce Error

Artificial Intelligence can help reduce errors in your case. As much as lawyers might aim for perfection, they are human. As such, they are capable of mistakes. When there is a great deal of paperwork to go through, there is a chance of human error. Boring and repetitive work, like data entry, is far from flawless. However, AI is flawless.

Relying on artificial intelligence means that there is a reduced chance of error and more accurate results. When it comes to family court cases, this can be the difference between a good and a bad outcome.

  1. Keep Lawyers Passionate

When a lawyer needs to waste time on menial tasks, he often loses motivation. This can affect his performance in court. After spending much of his time doing research or data entry, a lawyer could lose his passion for the case.

AI helps divorces by allowing lawyers to focus on the issues that matter. Instead of wasting time on simple tasks, they can focus on the complexities of their cases. As a result, the lawyers remain passionate. This is good news for you and your case.

The Future of AI in Family Law

Currently, AI doesn’t play a major role in family law. However, that could change soon. With recent developments, AI is playing a greater role in law firms. It might not be long before family law uses AI to improve the industry.

Here at Lewert Law, we know that technology is changing things. We’re moving forward with technology and always working to get you the best outcomes. Contact us and find out how Family Law Attorney and Divorce Lawyer at Lewert Law can help you.