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301 Yamato Rd #4110, Boca Raton, FL 33431, United States

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Family Lawyer in Boca Raton, FL


Divorce can be a very stressful and emotionally taxing experience which can leave you feeling uncertain about the future, especially in cases where the money is a major concern.
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Divorce is an extremely emotional and stressful life event. It can also be very complex, especially if you have children or share assets with your spouse.
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Parental Responsibility

No matter how contentious or acrimonious a divorce may become, it’s imperative for both parents to make their child’s welfare and best interests the top priority.
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Contempt & Enforcement

When an ex-spouse refuses to abide by the terms of a family court order or a parenting plan, it can cause both hardship and stress.
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Child Custody

The end of a relationship can be a very difficult and emotional experience. The stress of the event may be compounded exponentially when children are involved.
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Domestic Violence

Domestic violence is abuse that is sustained in an intimate relationship.
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As a father, if paternity is not established, you could lose your parental rights including time sharing and decision-making rights.
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Post-Judgement Modifications

When circumstances change after a divorce, you need an experienced Boca Raton support modification attorney with extensive experience representing clients in matters relating to the modification of child support
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Child Support

The end of a relationship can be a very difficult and emotional experience and the stress may be compounded exponentially when children are involved.
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Mediation is the better way to resolve family law disputes.
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Prenuptial Agreements

Very few people planning to wed expect that they will one day be in divorce court.
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Supportive Relationships and Cohabitation

Supportive relationships and cohabitation are alimony-related issues that even lawyers may struggle to understand.
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Division of Assets

If your marriage is ending, there’s a good chance you and your spouse have marital assets that need to be divided.
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Parental Relocation & Moving

The most important asset that a couple can ever have is their children and when divorce comes into play, parents must make sure that these assets are protected and never get the short end of the stick.
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Restraining Orders

Domestic violence cases require a very delicate approach, yet they also require an aggressive attorney who is a strong advocate for the victims.
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