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Helpful Tips to Handle Child Custody Issues During the Holidays

Board Certified Boca Raton Child Custody Lawyer

The holiday season is a time for you to spend celebrating with your loved ones. This time of the year should be full of magic and joy. However, if your family is no longer together, it can introduce the issue of who gets Child Custody during what holidays.

Family law attorneys in Florida have seen many situations and battles over holiday custody. There are a few suggestions that can help parents come up with a plan that benefits everyone. Keep reading to learn what those benefits are.

Make a List of the Most Important Holidays

Before each year starts, make a list of the holidays that are most important to you. Compare the list with your child’s other parent to see where there are overlaps on important holidays. Make sure you look at the calendar and any pre-arranged custody days, too, which can help you make the right choices and ensure your children have a consistent schedule they can rely on. From this point, you can start to create a holiday schedule for your family.

Alternate Holidays

Another suggestion is to alternate holidays with your child’s other parent. For example, one gets the child for Thanksgiving while the other gets them for Christmas. This lets them have time with each parent during this time of the year. Another option is to have Christmas with mom one year and the next year to have it with dad. While alternating holidays may seem like it will be lonely one year for a parent, it’s worth it to avoid having to give up this special time with your child.

Split Time on the Holiday

In some situations, you may be in a position where you can split the holidays. This means that mom and dad get to see the child on every holiday. This results in them not having to reserve the whole day with just one parent. In most cases, this plan will work if you live nearby to your ex. Otherwise, you would have to spend too much time traveling. Make sure you think about what is best for your children when you are planning the logistics of how the schedule will be arranged.

Celebrate Holidays Twice

There are some situations where parents opt to celebrate the holiday on a different day than when it actually occurs. This is very beneficial for many children and something they enjoy because they get to have two of the same event.

Getting Legal Help if You Can’t Agree

If you are unable to reach an agreement with your child’s other parent, it may be smart to get the help of a family law attorney. They can help to create an agreement that meets everyone’s needs, regardless of what these may be. Our team at Lewert Law can help. You can contact our contact us to learn more by calling (561) 544-6861.