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Premarital Agreements – Lewert Law

Premarital Agreements

Contact Lewert Law If You Need Premarital Agreements Drawn Up!

Marriage can be a beautiful thing, but it is also – in the eyes of the law – a business arrangement. For this reason, the best way to protect your assets before you go into a marriage is to get premarital agreements drawn up. At Lewert Law, we specialize in drawing up personalized premarital agreements that suit your needs, no matter how simple – or complicated – they may be.

What do premarital agreements cover?

At Lewert Law, we look at everyone’s assets, and needs, and determine what their premarital agreements should cover. And though no two people’s needs are exactly alike, the following is a generalized list of things that can be covered in premarital agreements.

  • The division of property: typically speaking, in the state of Florida, each person gets to keep the property they come into the marriage with, and in the event of a divorce, the property reverts to him/her. However, what happens in the event of one spouse’s death? Who gets what property? And what about the division of property acquired during a marriage – does it go to the surviving spouse, or to the child(ren) produced as a result of the marriage, or to the child(ren) of the spouse(s) from previous relationships? These are just a few of the many questions that will be addressed in premarital agreements regarding the division of property.
  • The care for child(ren): if the marriage produces child(ren), provisions have to be made for their care in the event of a divorce, or in the event, one of the spouses passes away.
  • Who takes care of what bill: in many marriages today, both spouses have careers of their own, and come into the relationship with the money of their own. Therefore, “who takes care of what bill” is a question that deserves to be answered in any sort of agreement signed between the couple. For example, would it be better if the husband paid the mortgage on the property, while the wife paid for the utilities and other living expenses? Who provides for amenities for the child(ren)? These are just a few of the many questions that can be answered in a proper premarital arrangement.

In short, Lewert Law understands that any premarital arrangement needs to take each person’s needs into account. There is no such thing as a “boilerplate” arrangement, so it’s essential to hire an experienced attorney like the one you’ll find at Lewert Law to handle your personalized arrangement. For more information about Lewert Law, and how they can help you with your premarital agreements, contact us today.