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301 Yamato Rd #4110, Boca Raton, FL 33431, United States

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Preparing For Divorce In Boca Raton

Board Certified Boca Raton Divorce Attorney

Lewert Law Can Help You In Preparing for Divorce in Boca Raton!

Preparing For Divorce

Going through a divorce is never easy, but having to prepare for a divorce can be even more difficult than the process of divorce itself. At Lewert Law, we understand that there are some inherent stresses in preparing for divorce in Boca Raton, and we’re here to help you. As one of the only attorneys in South Florida who is a board certified specialist in marital and family law, Tina Lewert, Esq., of Lewert Law has decades of experience in helping people like yourself in preparing for divorce in Boca Raton.

What are the first steps in preparing for divorce in Boca Raton?

The attorneys at Lewert Law talk to men and women about preparing for divorce in Boca Raton every day, and as such, they’ve come up with this comprehensive list of things you will need before you come in for your initial consultation with us.

Get your financial records together

One of the first things you need to do when preparing for divorce in Boca Raton is to get all of your financial records together. This includes everything from information about your bank accounts, to information about your investments and 401(k)’s. If there’s any piece of paper with information about your money on it, we need to know about it.

Start saving money for your legal fees

No matter if your divorce is contested or uncontested, the next thing you need to do when preparing for divorce in Boca Raton is to get your finances in order so you can save money for legal fees. Divorces – especially contested ones – can be expensive propositions, and the best thing you can do for yourself is to start to save money now.

Get your last will and testament together and/or changed

Finally, but certainly no less importantly, you will need to get your last will and testament in order (if you don’t have one already in place) or changed to reflect your soon-to-be divorced status (if you already have one in place). The last thing you need is to have a judge force you to change your last will and testament into something you may not want for yourself and/or your children because of a divorce.

Contact Lewert Law for all of your divorce needs!

The attorneys at Lewert Law are pleased to offer a free, no obligation consultation for all of their prospective new clients so they can discuss the particulars of their divorce case. For more information on how we can help you in preparing for divorce in Boca Raton, contact us today.