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Tips for Announcing Your Divorce on Social Media

Board Certified Boca Raton Divorce Attorney

For a long time, divorce has been a private matter that can have several public ramifications. However, today is the age of social media and the reach of divorce has been increased significantly. For the past 10 years, most people have used social media for bragging about accomplishments, showcase their lives, and even detail the most frustrating moments they experience. However, when life situations that aren’t as pleasant occur, it’s often difficult to know what to post and when you should share the news.

If you are working with a divorce lawyer, you can have some guidance on what you should and should not do. You can also use the social media guidelines here to help you navigate through the divorce process in this ever-so-connected world.

Don’t Post About the Divorce Until You Are Both Ready

While it’s often tempting to rant and rave about your soon-to-be ex and to get some support from your friends and family online, it is a good idea to avoid all signs of marital trouble on social media until you are both ready to share this personal news. If you opt to “vague-book,” it will be irritating for both you and your followers, along with those who know you well. The best option you have is to remain quite through social media while you work out all the details of your divorce case.

Be as Professional and Polite as Possible When You Are Sharing the News

At some point, there is going to come a time when you have to change your relationship status from “married” and to “single” on your social media profiles. If you make the decision with your ex to announce your divorce on social media, make sure you take a professional approach. You can write what is necessary, but there is no need to include any of the unnecessary details. The bottom line is that this isn’t anyone else’s business.

Don’t Share All the Details

Remember, when you post on social media, it isn’t something that is going to go away easily. As a result, it is a good idea to keep the details of all your divorce drama to yourself. There are many people who are surprised to discover that their social posts may actually impact their divorce proceedings.

When It’s All Final Start the Un-Following and Un-Friending Process

Once your divorce is final, you should move on. This means that you need to take the time to un-friend your soon to be ex-spouse, your former in-laws, along with any friends that probably won’t be your acquaintance once your divorce has been finalized.

If you feel as though you need to talk to someone about your marriage’s future, you should avoid making long overly detailed posts on your social media profile. If you try to air all your dirty laundry, this is going to cause quite a bit of friction among your friends and family. Rather than dealing with this, it’s a good idea to contact a divorce attorney to discuss your plan of action.

There’s no question that divorce can be an emotionally draining and frustrating process. There’s no need to try to get through this alone. An experienced divorce attorney can help you manage the process. If you need help with your divorce, contact the legal team at Lewert Law, LLC by calling (561) 544-6861 or by fulfilling the contact form